Stef-“on Twitter” Diggs Cryptically Sending Vikings Fans Into Panic… again

Photo: Bruce Kluckhohn/Associated Press

Stefon Diggs is an emotional person. He also likes to tweet about his emotions in cryptic fashion. Then, Vikings fans like to overreact to his cryptic tweets, in irrational ways.


Now that we have that out of the way, let’s start this blog by looking back to last week. Diggs’ latest string of cryptic tweets by Stefon Diggs started on Thursday with a classic, “fuck the haters”, type of send.

That was followed by (what looks to be) a cryptic refusal to explain his cryptic tweet about who is, or is not, an expert…

It’s just Diggs being Diggs.

Feb. 6

Alright well, we’ve all seen worse from Stef and these tweets didn’t even look like they were lobbed toward the Vikings or any of his teammates, so who cares, right?

But…. Stefon wasn’t done. Just one day later, Diggs took to the keyboard (likely touch) again, for more tweets about… well, we don’t know that part.

One cryptic tweet turned into an entire rant this time, though… and clearly Diggs was upset about something. He just left panicking Vikings’ fans to figure out what that “something” was…

Feb. 7

While Friday was a tough day for Diggs and the Vikings faithful… Saturday was mostly quiet, before ending with cooler heads seeming to prevail…

We went from, “protecting energy at all costs”, to loving positive energy, less than 24 hours later. I’m sure a lot of Vikings fans were feeling like they made it to the bottom of this latest Diggs rollercoaster…

Feb. 8

Until Sunday afternoon, when things went negative again. This time, we are talking about people not appreciating things until they are gone….

…. so does he plan on going somewhere?

Now, lets remember that many fans and media members have been talking about Stefon Diggs in trade and salary cap discussions lately. Because of twitter rants like the one I’m currently blogging about, and sideline/media temper tantrums of his past, he’s an easy target for a team that needs to shed cap space and has other options at WR.

Feb. 9

Now that I’ve built you up, let me bring you down gently. These tweets mean nothing.

Absolutely, positively….. nothing.

Because it’s Stefon Diggs. This is what Stefon Diggs does. There are some athletes that absolutely hate the rumor mill, that comes along with big time professional sports. Those same athletes usually hate social media even more.

Then you have athletes like Diggs, who use it for entertainment and means of staying relevant. I don’t mean that in a negative way. Being relevant is part of Diggs’ job, if he wants to capitalize on all of his opportunities.

Maybe he is tweeting about the Vikings and Vikings fans… or maybe he is tweeting about his girlfriend, who he might be fighting with.

It’s possible that he’s on a frozen chicken finger binge and he didn’t realize how serious it was until he ran out, and it was too cold to get more….

We just don’t know, and because Diggs does this all the time, we shouldn’t get worked up about it. If the Vikings move Diggs, they will get a massive haul in return… otherwise they won’t move him.

Everyone just calm down and enjoy the drama. WWE offseasons are way more fun than the quiet alternative.

Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan

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