Kevin Durant Finally Admits His Love and Admiration for Anthony Edwards

NBA: Playoffs-Minnesota Timberwolves at Phoenix Suns
Credit: Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

It wasn’t any easy route here. Kevin Durant did everything he could to deny what he was feeling for Minnesota Timberwolves’ blossoming superstar Anthony Edwards. No matter how much Ant spoke on his admiration for his basketball idol, Kevin Durant, the feeling was never publicly reciprocated.

Kevin Durant loves Anthony Edwards

That was until Sunday night, after Edwards put the Minnesota Timberwolves on his back during the 4th quarter of a series-sealing game 4, to make sure the Wolves finished off their sweep of KD’s Phoenix Suns. With his 2023-24 season now behind him, Durant met with reporters and finally admitted his real feelings regarding Ant.

“I’m so impressed by Ant. So impressed by Ant. Umm, my favorite player to watch. Just grown so much since he came into the league, at 22. Just his love for the game just shines bright. And that’s something that’s probably, that’s one of the reasons why I like him the most, because he just loves basketball.

He’s grateful to be in his position. He’s taking advantage of every opportunity he’s gotten. Love everything about Ant. Everything. I’ll be watching him, going forward. And, you know he’s going to guard and play extremely hard every single night. But I was really impressed with him. And he’s going to be somebody I’m following for the rest of his career.”

Kevin Durant on his respect and appreciation for Anthony Edwards

Anthony Edwards has already proven himself as one of the brightest young stars in the National Basketball Association but the rest of the great players in the league are starting to realize that he is actually much more than that. There is no cap on Ant’s future.

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His ceiling is one of the greatest players this league has ever seen. For those who do not get to watch Edwards on a regular basis, that may sound hyperbolic. But it only takes a few games of closer examination before you realize how good he really is. If KD didn’t know, he sure does now.

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