Minnesota Gophers running back, Mohamed Ibrahim, is an easy-going guy who wants all the team success and none of the individual spotlight. That doesn’t mean he shies away from it, though.
As a redshirt sophomore going into the 2019 season, PJ Fleck selected Mo as one of three players who would help him represent the University of Minnesota at Big Ten Media Day in Chicago. He’s been one of the regulars in media sessions ever since.
Big Ten Running Back of the Year
It’s a runaway. @_MoIbrahim is your Big Ten Ameche-Dayne Running Back of the Year. #Gophers // #SkiUMah // #RTB pic.twitter.com/dvJzDlcSWr
— Minnesota Football (@GopherFootball) December 15, 2020
Today, Mohamed Ibrahim thought he was walking into the Minnesota athletic facilities to do another standard media appearance. He had no idea he had been named Big Ten Running Back of the Year over an hour before.
When he found out, the first thing he did was speak to, and thank, his offensive line. Classic Mo. Moments later, I asked Ibrahim if he’s thought at all about taking his talents to the NFL after his huge 2020 season.
The move would make sense. The draft pool could be thin this year, given the free college return policy. Mo’s stock may never be higher than it is right now either, after posting 925 yards on the ground and a ridiculous 15 rushing touchdowns (in just 6 games) so far this season.
If in Mohamed Ibrahim’s shoes, most of us would think about these things. We’re human after all and being drafted to the NFL is life-changing in a lot of ways, financially and otherwise. Of course, Mo hasn’t thought about any of that.
— Minnesota Sports Fan (@realmnsportsfan) December 15, 2020
How close is that college degree?
I do wonder how many credits Mo has left before he graduates… He’s a redshirt junior so this is his 4th year of college. That doesn’t mean he should have his degree.
As someone who took 6 years to get his bachelor’s degree, I’m not here to judge anyone. The “college degree” comment could be a big nothing-burger if he’s on track to graduate by the end of this school year.
I love Mo’s attitude and I hope he stays, but what if he grades out as a 3rd rounder? It’d be tough to turn that down, even if he’s a few credits short of graduating.
Nothing is guaranteed… except a free degree.
Nothing is guaranteed next season and Ibrahim has watched former teammates struggle through injuries that affected their NFL draft stock. That degree Mo seeks will still be here waiting for him next offseason (after his NFL rookie year) or the offseason after, etc. His chances at the NFL may not be.
I believe Mo Ibrahim when he tells me that he hasn’t thought about the NFL… and that’s why I still think it’s possible he goes. If he does think about it, leaving the Minnesota Gophers and spreading his wings in the NFL might be the better option, with or without a degree.
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— Minnesota Football (@GopherFootball) December 15, 2020
Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan