Gable Steveson Fuels Rumors About Possible Transfer to Iowa

Photo: Joseph Cress - Iowa City Press

Photo: Joseph Cress - Iowa City Press

At this point, everyone is expecting Gable Steveson to return to college wrestling for his 6th and final season of NCAA eligibility. Most thought that meant another year in a maroon and gold singlet for the Minnesota Gophers.

Gable Steveson to Iowa?

That was until a couple of weeks ago, when Steveson was spotted working out at Iowa’s Hawkeye Wrestling Club (HWC). Suddenly, Mark Coyle’s oddly timed letter of open arms makes a lot more sense.

Ever since, Iowa Hawkeye fans have been waiting for something from Gable on a possible transfer. But Steveson has had his hands full the last couple weeks fulfilling some contract obligations for the WWE and NXT, where he has built up his possible college return as part of his current professional wrestling storyline.

Steveson tweets fuel onto the fire

Then on Sunday, he took to Twitter to address rumors that he’s contemplating a transfer to the University of Iowa. First, he tweeted, “Year 6?” and followed that with a Hawkeyes’ emoji and another question mark…

As a Minnesota Gophers fan, let’s just hope this transfer threat is nothing more than show. We all know how much Gable Steveson enjoys creating drama intended to keep his name trending on social media and his career in the spotlight of wrestling fans at all levels.

Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan

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